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~ From the Bridge ~

September 02nd: Customs have extended Olive’s temporary import licence (TIE) for a year. She will now be leaving NZ waters late June 2025. She will spend summer cruising the upper North Island of New Zealand.

June 21st: Olive went out last week to recalibrate all the navigation and auto pilot systems. She has been winterised and is having minor electrical changes made, along with several other improvements. She will get a new tender prior to summer.

May 08th: Olive went back into the water at 09:30 yesterday. Near perfect conditions. Went perfectly. She had a short shakedown run and then back to berth to wash down the detritus of the boat yard. Few jobs still to be done but she is all ready to go.

May 02nd: All going well with jobs on Olive except the removal of the port prop for X-ray and repair. It was stuck fast and took two days to remove so Olive will now not return to the water until the morning of the 7th. Port anchor chain was remarked today as well as finishing touches to the new anti foul. Hull looks like new. New hydraulic cables have been fitted to the port transom lifts as barnacles have rubbed against them. Guards have been fitted to all transom hydraulic cables.

April 29th: Olive came out of the water at Gulf Harbour this morning and is on the hard stand. Lots of weed etc on hull. She will have a full anti foul. Hull in great order. Most anodes are fine for another year at least but some will be replaced.  Garmin are calling tomorrow to inspect all electronics. The starboard prop has sustained some damage probably due to a submerged log etc. Prop will be removed and taken for repair. Shafts are being fully inspected for the first time in years, they appear to be fine. Port chain will have markings renewed. Olive is due to be back in the water Friday. At this stage the prop is the only thing that could hold that up. Maybe need to sweet talk prop repairers.

April 05th: Lots of small maintenance jobs have been completed over the last weeks. There is a reorganisation of crew taking place, with a new Captain being appointed shortly. Olive is well overdue for a hull clean with considerable growth evident. During haul-out she will have her Blackwater tank lifted for inspection and the Stbd shaft dropped for inspection. She will also have anodes replaced and the hull anti fouled. The port winch has been dismantled and rebuilt with a new shaft from Italy installed. That winch carries 99% of the anchoring load. Garmin are currently running through all the electronics to rectify several very minor annoyances that have slowly been developing over multiple years. Olive’s international registration in the Cook Islands has just been renewed for a further three years.

January 05th: Two great days cruising Waiheke and Rotoroa Islands. Guests on both days had a wonderful time in near perfect weather. Spent a quiet night in Putiki Bay. Some large superyachts are anchored off Waiheke at the moment. Olive performed beautifully but could do with a hull waterblast. After months in Fiji waters she is slightly less than smooth beneath the surface. It’s also getting close to time to replace the tender. There are no cruises planned for the next month so minor maintenance will take place.

November 14th: Olive is has been placed on the market and is available to purchase immediately. She is in perfect condition and ready to go for summer. Although she is as perfect a vessel as you can find and very spacious I have decided it’s time to buy a bigger boat! Sales information can be viewed here: 

October 18th: Olive checked into New Zealand off Great Barrier Island on Marine Radio on the morning of the 15th and then proceeded to Viaduct Harbour to clear with MAF and Customs. Very good crossing. Apart from the last day when things cut up quite badly outside NZ it was a direct track from Fiji. A  1 - 1.5kt current worked against us for two days. After clearance on the morning of the 16th Olive moved to her spot at Gulf Harbour. She did not skip a beat.

October 8th: Departing Fiji at 11:00

October 07th: Fiji Customs confirmed to visit Olive at Port Denarau tomorrow morning at 10 to sign her out. We will then depart immediately for the 6 - 7 day crossing to Auckland. Weather models look fair to good for the crossing. After the awful trip here Olive deserves a smooth passage. The test will be to see if we can do any of the crossing without the stabilisers on. Two weeks ago Olive’s stabilisers were put through their paces remotely and fully checked by the manufacturers in the Netherlands. It was very odd sitting at anchor in a bay in Fiji and have them deploying and operating under the control of a person on the other side of the world. They got a perfect bill of health.

October 01st: Olive is anchored in Saweni Bay for a week as crew take time off at resorts before the crossing to New Zealand. She is all set to go with departure documents filed with Fiji Customs and arrival documents prepared for New Zealand. Olive will head to Port Denarau to sign out just before leaving. Weather is being modelled for the trip now and all going well with that we will depart on the 8th. All guests had a great time and Olive has performed perfectly, surrounded as she was by multiple large vessels that have had many issues. Olive’s tender has been working overtime and may be closing in on ‘end of life’.

September 20th: The penultimate guests this season in Fiji leave tomorrow after another perfect trip. More sea snakes and sharks have been spotted around Olive. Conditions have been great and Olive is performing perfectly. Dinner last night on The Beast. The Hill’s super yacht, that was anchored next to Olive off Denarau. Great evening. On a particularly windy night a few days ago anchored off Musket Cove at around 23:00 a very large super yacht  anchored very close to Olive and an even larger super yacht on the other side, started to drag anchor. It was touch and go for a time as the crew wrestled with the vessel against wind and rain in the dark trying not to impact either vessels or the multiple reefs very near by. The 50 metre vessel came within 20 metres of hitting Olive. Boating. The best of times, the worst of times.

September 07th: Back at Port Denarau changing over guests. During the last perfect trip to Malolo Island we had a visitor on the stern platform. A Sea Snake. They are quite uncommon although we did have two on the platform on two separate occasions during Olive’s last visit to Fiji several years ago. It was in a similar area. The snakes are obviously attracted to Olive’s underwater lights as after pushing this snake back into the water we saw at least 30 others much smaller in the water around the platform. They can be deadly but with a very small mouth it is hard for them to bite. Very rare to see them and to see so many…🤯

September 01st: A wonderful cruise with guests ended with three days in the Denarau Marina. This is the first time Olive has been in port since leaving New Zealand. Great opportunity for crew to use water for extensive wash downs etc We also took on board 4000 litres of Diesel as we discovered prices were rising by 15% across Fiji for all fuel. So many big boats rushing to fuel up. We still had 6000 litres or so on board so now we have plenty for the return trip to NZ next month. Leaving marina today to anchor off as guests arriving tomorrow and we will head directly to Malolo Island for a few days… the snorkelling is sensational at the moment in perfect weather.

August 21st: Sitting off Port Denarau preparing for guest arrival tomorrow. Great trip up the Yasawas. Olive has consistently been achieving 7.5 kts at 1450 - 1500 revs. That’s 5 - 6 litres per hour per engine. We have not been into a marina since leaving NZ and Olive has been producing power and water perfectly. The main anchor holds amazingly, first time, every time in sand in very trying winds. Not as instantly effective at times in slippery mud but very manageable. Trawling for fish has not been successful. A few hookups not landed and only two smaller fish caught and thrown back.

August 15th: Waking up in a bay at the bottom of the Yasawas. Crystal clear water and still. On the way here Olive passed two enormous sharks. The largest was about 9 metres long. No guests on board at the moment after a run of guests. Olive will cruise the lower Yasawas for the next week before returning to pick up more guests. A local villager came over with a bag of bananas to sell. Best bananas I’ve ever tasted. When we did not haggle at the slightly inflated price he was asking he threw in a large pawpaw. Olive is running perfectly.

July 27th: Olive has been at anchor for over a week now just outside Port Denarau after a couple of weeks of fabulous cruising around the islands close to Denarau. Crew are preparing her for two months of guests flying in. Weather has been at times windy and overcast with some rain but lovely temperatures. She has held well at anchor unlike a couple of yachts around her that dragged on a particularly windy evening. Heading out later today. It will be interesting to see how much of the sea floor clings to the chain and anchor.

July 03rd: Was sitting off Musket Cove - Malolo Island this morning, in brisk wind. Anchor held perfectly last night. Good as we were surrounded by corral and some other big boats. For the next few weeks Olive will be back and forth between the islands around Malolo and Denarau. The water out here is crystal clear and the snorkelling and swimming perfect. Olive is in top shape and ready for guests. Spending tonight and tomorrow just outside Port Denarau.

June 29th: Oh what a beautiful night - a quiet ship. Olive is anchored off Denarau and has cleared Customs and BioSecurity. She was remembered from her last visit. Hopefully we will get a chance to dock today for the crew to do a full wash down but we may need to do that at anchor as the marina is very full. Lots to do for the next few days to ready Olive for her first guest arriving on the 5th. Dunc Wilson flys back to NZ Sunday and will be replaced soon by Stew/Chef Rachelle Dorr who will be on Olive throughout the season and the passage back to NZ. It was a good decision to abandon plans to spend a few days on Minerva Reef on the way here due to sea conditions. Beautiful Fiji day today.

June 28th: Olive has performed amazingly. Crew great. At 09.00 we are about four hours from Denarau and the first chance the engines have had to rest. They did not skip a beat… sea conditions were at best adequate at worst storm force. Up to 6 meter seas and 46knt winds at its max. Who would do this? Let alone spend a fortune too! Fools!

June 20th: Departed Gulf Harbour at 13:30. Sea conditions to Minerva Reef look acceptable. It should take just under four days. The plan is to stay at the reef for one to two days before the trip to Fiji - a further two plus days. It’s fair to say the three of us (Dunc Wilson, Dave Lloyd and myself) are excited by this adventure. Olive is in perfect condition and packed to the gunnels with supplies. At Great Barrier Island we have a two meter swell & 16kt winds.

June 14th: The fuel barge met Olive at Shakespeare Bay this morning and all tanks were filled to about 90%. Olive can easily make a return trip to Fiji with island cruising and plenty of fuel to spare. None the less we will top up in Fiji before returning to New Zealand. The tender was lowered and run up to test & provisioning is almost complete. Weather profiling is showing the 20th or 21st could be the best days to depart. Last week a shakedown run showed no problems.

June 03rd: Over the next two weeks Olive will be refuelled and provisioned for overseas travel. She will also undertake a shakedown run to thoroughly test all recently serviced components.

May 23rd: All outstanding servicing being completed this week. Provisioning will start then and finally fuelling will take place. Weather patterns are being considered and exit documentation is prepared for a June 16th departure weather permitting.

May 09th: All servicing and prep for offshore is either complete or underway. Both life rafts and the tender are being serviced and heat transfer systems on both main engines and the main generator are being serviced. No good boating weather has been missed due to maintenance as there has been no good boating weather.

April 06th: Perfect weather conditions for Olive to go back into the water after a week on the hard for general maintenance. Went immediately out to Kawau Island and are anchored in Bon Accord Harbour. Marine forecast has dramatically changed for the worst and is set to be rough with winds up to 50Kts… How does this catch forecasters so off guard? Olive slid through the water at about an extra knot and at about a litre per hour per engine less than prior to the haul out. Great for the Fiji trip in a few weeks. Few paint touch ups and provisioning to be completed prior to refuelling. The Gull fuel barge has been booked to meet us early June and customs logistics are about to be organised.

April 01st: Olive is out of the water for general maintenance. Some of the many anodes will be replaced and new anti foul and general hull touchup is happening along with platform inspection and chain marking in preparation for offshore cruising. Propspeed is also being applied. She will return to the water in another five days time.

March 09th: Sitting in a bay on Waiheke Island after a perfect night about to head with family to Man O War bay. Preparing for haul out at Gulf Harbour at the end of the month. Full anti foul etc in preparation for off-shore cruising. All spares purchasing, provisioning and servicing taking place over the next eight weeks. Olive is in great shape. She feels almost over-ready for a big crossing. It’s long overdue.

February 09th: Anchored at Kawau Island for the night. Making the most of a couple of fine days before the next cyclone hits in three days. All great on board. We will run the water maker later as it has not been in use for about two years. Olive will not be used for a few weeks due to work commitments out of Auckland so during this time the top decks will be re-stained (All other decks have been completed and look great) and some windows in the pilot house will be worked on in preparation for offshore cruising in a few months.

January 30th: After a few more day trips with guests Olive has been waiting like most have in Auckland four good weather. Several trips heave been canceled due to rain and wind. Summer!

January 21st: 22:50. Anchored at Kennedy Point, Waiheke Island. We have had multiple day cruises from this point with guests, over the last few weeks and will have another tomorrow. Sea conditions are acceptable but tomorrow looks much better. 

January 02nd: Four days on Olive at Great Barrier Island leading up to New Year saw near perfect sea conditions. Many fish were caught and sights were seen. Great anchoring every night although there were many boats to contend with. Guests had a wonderful time and crew were great. Freshly serviced main engines had a good run and performed very well. Dolphins and whales were spotted with one sperm whale surfacing very close to Olive on the return trip.

December 28th: Anchored of Port Fitzroy at Great Barrier Island. Perfect night with dead calm conditions. Good crossing. Arrived at the island as the sun was setting and guests had dinner as Olive approached the inland harbour. Quite a few vessels here including the 59.0m super yacht Just B. The plan is to stay three nights and then head back to Waiheke to drop off guests.

December 21st: Perfect night out on Olive at Waiheke Island on the 19th. So calm at anchor it was rock solid in the water. Weather has turned favourably and Olive will head out for an extended trip around the Gulf on the 27th. If the weather holds we will stay out for over a week. Olive has not refuelled for two years and is sitting a little high in the water. The plan is to refuel In June 2023, after haul out and just prior to leaving NZ waters.

December 09th: After two and a half years as Executive Officer on Olive - Sam Tremewan leaves the crew today to move onto another challenge. This one more land based. He has done a great job and leaves Olive in even better shape that he found her, better I think that when she was brand new. Dave Lloyd has been appointed Executive Officer and takes over immediately. Dave has extensive nautical knowledge over decades on the water and has latterly spent considerable time with NZ Coastguard. Olive’s two main engines are being serviced on Monday. Hopefully summer will arrive in New Zealand at some stage and the seasons boating can begin in earnest.

December 05th: On Saturday we traveled past the East Coast bays to Motuihe Island on the way having a lovely lunch up the bow. After a few hours anchored of Motuihe with a number of other big yachts we motored to Waiheke island and stayed the night. Returning the next day we cruised at over 8 knots at 1610 revs @ 9ltrs an hour per engine. Very good for a vessel of close to 90 tonnes.

November 29th: Sailed to Waiheke Island and stayed out overnight at Kennedy Point. Guests had a lovely time but as weather was cutting up we returned to Gulf Harbour early in the morning. There were very few boats out. Hopefully the weather will improve soon. All is perfect on Olive.

October 31st: The sea conditions were just too good to ignore so Olive was, at the last minute cast free and sailed to Kawau island. She is currently at anchor in Shark Bay next to Mansion house Bay. The sea is flat. There are no boats at anchor other than Olive in both bays. The bush surrounding the bay is emitting Jurassic Park like sounds and a seal just snorted a few feet from the stern as the sun sets. Paradise!

October 25th: Perfect day for a trip to Waiheke Island and back to Gulf Harbour. Olive performed perfectly and guests had a lovely time. Still a little cool on the top deck but the best of summer cruising is just around the corner.

September 11th: Returned to Gulf harbour midday on the 9th after two nights at Great Barrier Island. Near perfect sea conditions throughout the trip. A few dolphins on the bow and plenty of penguins sighted. The onboard heating was a godsend as outside temperatures were low. Very warm throughout the vessel. Good speed through the water as a result of a clean bottom and slick props. 7.5 knots at 9 litres per hour per engine (X2). The biggest challenge was lifting the anchor on morning two. A large towel abandoned on the sea floor had wrapped around a large rock and the anchor… what are the odds of that?  Eventually the boat hook set free the towel and the rock, about 40kilos dropped to the sea floor. Boating!

September 03rd: Olive was lowered into the water yesterday without issue in perfect weather and headed out to sea for a few hours to check systems etc, before returning to her berth. All is perfect on her. She will now be cosmetically de winterised in berth this coming week and will be ready to set sail.

August 31st: Stern thruster repaired and all hull fittings checked with no replacements necessary. Hull cleaned, no new anti foul needed this year. Painting touch ups proceeding well. Looks like Olive will be back in the water Friday as planned.

August 23rd: Haul out went well today. Olive is now undergoing hull maintenance and stern thruster repair. Also the last of her off season maintenance. She is due back in the water on September 02nd at 10:30. Conditions were close to perfect for the travel lift. Prior to hall out we conducted a three hour shakedown at sea as it had been close to seven months since she was last operated. All tested systems operated perfectly.

July 05th: All parts from off shore are now with Olive for all remaining work to be concluded prior to or during haul out in late August.

April 25th: Ordered parts have arrived or are on the way. Olive is wintering over at berth and will be hauled out for parts install and hull maintenance late August. In the meantime she is having general maintenance including touching up some external paint and replacing outside lights as necessary.

February 17th: Still awaiting thruster parts from Italy. Due to the continued global logistical instability caused by the pandemic New Zealand Customs have given MY Olive another twelve month extension on her TIE. She now has to depart NZ waters no later than 01st July 2023. Although I am very keen to move Olive on from New Zealand and continue her international cruising it is at this stage a much better option to cruise New Zealand waters.

January 26th: With faults on both thrusters requiring parts from Italy Olive will stay in port. It’s frustrating as apart from significant but different issues with both bow and stern thrusters she is in perfect condition. The parts to repair the bow thruster are due in New Zealand on the 21st of February and will be installed immediately. At that point Olive will continue her summer cruising. The stern thruster component is due in New Zealand from late February but will not be installed until mid to late March.

January 14th: Due to a tropical storm Olive arrived back at Gulf Harbour after a perfect trip in the Bay of Islands. Everyone had a great time and Olive continues to run a good knot faster than before she came out of the water. Many dolphins and sharks were spotted well off the coast of New Zealand on the way north but far fewer were seen this year than last in the Bay of Islands itself. Olive will stay in Auckland for the next two weeks and then travel back to the Bay of Islands by witch time there will be far fewer vessels there. The trip back to Auckland was great. As she rode the large swell well and stayed ahead of the worst of the approaching bad sea conditions. The stabilisers operated amazingly. The trip from Russell started at about 15:00 hours Wednesday and immediately we struck a good 3 - 3.5 meter swell. We motored continuously until we arrived at Gulf Harbour at about 05:30 Thursday.

January 05th: After a few days at Waiheke Island wind picked up and on relocating discovered the bow thruster was not working. Returned to Gulf Harbour and a marine electrician determined the problem.  Good news... the parts are readily available, bad news... in Italy. The Bay of Islands trip will go ahead without the bow thruster, with parts due to arrive in NZ at the end of January. It’s an easy install. After a perfect night at Kawau island we left early for the Bay of Islands. A great trip making good speed. New anchor continues to perform very well. Weather good but a large easterly swell prevented a planned stop on the way up. We are now anchored close to Russell with guests arriving there tomorrow.

December 26th: Headed to Waiheke Island and have anchored in Oneroa Bay. Day one of an extended cruise. Olive has an extra knot and a half of boat speed with both engines drawing several litres an hour less and running a few degrees cooler. That’s as a result of propspeed and new antifoul. All systems operating perfectly. New anchor so far 100% reliable and perfectly balanced. Several boats in the bay. Beautiful weather.

December 14th: The last of the new glass was installed on the weekend and the new bespoke anchor was delivered to Olive and installed in its Port pocket today. The weather is very bad and so there is still a little work to do to ready Olive for summer cruising but two fine days will do it. All large jobs are completed. 

December 09th: Olive was lowered back into the water yesterday after three weeks in the yard. She’s in great shape and all went well. De-winterising will take a few days at her berth. The new anchor is being galvanised and will be delivered to Olive and installed in the next few days and one window is being replaced at the dock in two days time as it was easier to do at the berth. Olive will be all set for a season on the water in less than a week. She does not need refuelling this year.

November 28th: Around half way through the haul out and a lot has been completed or started. Replacement glass has been installed in the saloon with a port hole for extra ventilation when in the tropics. More than half the anti foul has been completed and other external repairs have started. The two inspection hatches in the hull at the stern were opened and it was all good news inside. Stainless Steel work at the bow has begun with welding happening tomorrow. Hopefully Olive will be back in the water late next week. She will then be de-winterised and will be off on summer adventures. One large hull window is set to be replaced as soon as she is back at her berth. It is just too heavy and complex to complete that Install on the hard.

November 18th: Olive was lifted out today at 10:30. Everything went well. She is on the hard for at least two weeks. Multiple trades are working on her. There was quite a bit of weed and crustaceans on her hull. Anodes were in reasonable shape and will be replaced where necessary. There was no sign of electrical corrosion.

October 06th: For the first time in almost five months Olive’s engines were started and all systems tested on a very pleasing two hour shakedown run. This was the first day she could be taken out of the Marina for many weeks due to COVID restrictions being marginally eased. Every system performed as it should. As she is prepared for haul out she will not be operated very much until early December.

September 29th: As a result of continuing Covid-19 disruption in New Zealand haul out has been delayed and is now booked for November 18th. Much of the work that was going to happen during haul out will now if possible happen prior, including the build and installation of a bespoke anchor port side. The new galley bench top is being manufactured and will be installed in two weeks.

September 01st: Due to Auckland’s Level 4 Covid lockdown haulout has been delayed and will now hopefully happen early October. All contractors are being contacted to reorganise the schedule.

August 01st: Olive is in great condition following months of winter maintenance. A new freezer has replaced the fridge in the lazarette giving Olive two freezers in the laz. Much more use when overseas than extra fridges. New Anchors and new chain for the starboard anchor are being constructed and ordered and will be installed after haul out. A new bench top for the galley is going to be installed prior to summer. A sling is being put together so the tender can be towed more easily.

April 28th: We had a wonderful lunch trip to Kawau Island and on to Shipwreck Bay last week with four guests. The sea is getting cooler now and no dolphins or whales were sighted but conditions were good. There are far fewer boats out on the water now. Yesterday word came through from NZ Customs that Olive can stay in NZ waters for a further year from July 1st this year, due to global Covid disruption. She will now leave for Fiji in June 2022.

April 06th: Olive arrived back to Gulf Harbour from a two night trip in the Hauraki Gulf yesterday. She is in peak condition. Over the last month many overnight and day trips have provided much pleasure for guests. A survey is currently being completed as it’s time to renew Olive’s Cook Islands registration for another three years. Still no word on the possibility of a 12 month extension to Olive’s Temporary Import License. An anchor designer is being commissioned to look at replacing the smaller of the two main anchors with a more substantial ‘balanced’ anchor, ahead of her next international voyage.

March 17th: Today should be the last day of racing in the 36th America’s Cup and Team New Zealand will hold the Cup. Surely! Olive has been out on many race days with guests enjoying the racing and atmosphere of an extraordinary international yachting event. At times the cluster of boats mindlessly evacuating the course area at the completion of racing for the day has been a challenge. Listening to the VHF has highlighted the many near misses for vessels. Champagne from Dom Perignon was delivered to Olive at the course on Saturday in the Dom boat, which was a treat for guests on board. Olive has several overnight trips ahead, one to Great Barrier Island. Olive’s hull is being polished at the moment. This is perhaps the first time since her launch that there are no pending jobs over regular maintenance.

March 02nd: Auckland has been placed into another Covid Leveł 3 lockdown and as a result vessels are not permitted to leave marinas. We have cancelled many day trips but did have a number of very enjoyable trips go ahead recently with large groups of friends and family. The first two Americas Cup race days have been cancelled so at the earliest day one will now be 10th of March. Maintenance work is continuing on Olive.

February 22nd: Olive has had work done over the last two weeks and ongoing maintenance is taking place. A boat full enjoyed the last races of the Prada Cup yesterday. Huge spectator fleet and good conditions. Shame the British could not pull off one more win. They head home now and the Italians prepare for March 6th and race one in the 36th Americas Cup. Team NZ were out practicing yesterday and looked very quick in the same conditions. Lots of day trips are planned over the coming weeks.

February 03rd: Recent day trips have seen many guests enjoy themselves on board Olive. We had a great vantage point at the top mark for American Magic's last race in the Prada Cup. Sea conditions are at their best now in the Hauraki Gulf and will be for the next two months so many more day trips and overnighters are planned. There is some concern with regard to Olive's upcoming overseas departure with regard to Covid and the state of boarders. Planning is underway on that.

January 23rd: Departed Russell after dropping off one guest and motored to Whangamumu Harbour. Conditions were rough particularly up too and around the hole in the rock and the forecast was grim for the next few days so we stayed the night and all of the next day anchored in Whangamumu, just out from the old whaling station. We left at 20:30 on the 20th and motored through the night arriving at Gulf Harbour at 08:30 on the 21st. Great trip. Stabilisers were used for only two hours and worked amazingly well. Great test of the new radar. Jobs continue on Olive now with America's cup viewing and short overnight trips planned over the next weeks. The main helm chair in the pilot house was removed some months ago as part of a minor remodel of the area and it's proved a hit with crew and guests creating a new gathering area.

January 16th: We made very good time to the Bay of Islands and have spent several weeks visiting multiple bays with many guests, both family and friends. Weather has been generally very good. Onewhero Bay has proved to be our go to spot with few if any other boats around. Trips to the hole in the rock have been popular with guests and we have had several groups of dolphins at the bow. Swimming has been popular too but the enthusiasm for it has been tempered by the fact we have seen many sharks basking and feeding. Olive has performed perfectly. She is producing large quantities of fresh water daily to keep up with huge demand. Last guests are due to arrive tomorrow and will be picked up at Russell wharf at 12noon. One will stay two days and the other will travel back to Auckland on Olive. In spite of some very crude and disorganised, occasional bouts of fishing, due in the most part to a significant disinterest in the 'sport'... no fish have been caught.

December 29th: At 09:00 Olive was lifted out at the marina and her hull was water blasted. All ànodes and props were inspected and are in perfect condition. The hull is looking good. As the conditions are awful for heading north she went back into her berth and will leave for Russell at 05:00 tomorrow. Happy New Year.

December 23rd: Decks are well under way and oiling should be completed today. A big job. Olive was part of the viewing fleet on day two of the PRADA America’s Cup World Series. From our vantage point at the side of the course the extraordinary speed of the competitors is striking. Everyone still gravitates to the televisions though in order to see the graphics and understand how the race is going.  Provisions for the Bay of Islands trip are being stowed on board today and freezers are being filled. There are many guests joining Olive over the two to three weeks she will be in Northland. Happy Christmas to you.

December 10th: All special projects on Olive have been completed for summer cruising now with only ongoing general maintenance left including oiling the decks. This will be done this week. In order to stop the rapid spread of harmful weed into Northland Olive will be taken out of the water briefly to have her hull water-blasted and at the same time the props and anodes will be inspected along with the rest of her underside. This happens on the 29th of December at 9am and immediately after she is returned to the water she will begin the journey north for a two week New Year cruise. Over the next week Olive will be provisioned for the New Year.

November 28th: New radar has been installed and all major jobs completed for the summer season of cruising around New Zealand. Contract crew have been appointed. General maintenance is all up to date and the interior has been fine tuned.

October 24th: The last few weeks have seen almost all jobs completed to prepare Olive for the summer season in New Zealand. The radar is being replaced this week due to malfunction. There have been a few day trips and Olive is performing very well. The reformed propellers are producing more power. Contract crew are being recruited. 

September 15th: At 21:00 on the 08th Olive left the Marina for the first time in almost two months. After anchoring in Shakespeare Bay not far from Gulf Harbour the next morning we motored to Shark Bay on Kawau Island before returning to the Marina to continue the last remaining jobs to set Olive up for the Summer boating season in Auckland.

July 16th: Olive is back at Gulf Harbour Marina as her fit-out continues for another five weeks, with major work mostly in the galley and wheelhouse. Apart from those areas it’s now just deep cleaning and minor alterations in other internal areas and some additional minor mechanical and electrical work.

July 14th: Went into the shed on the 15/06 so we could start the painting. It rained all that week so boat took a long time to dry and then we got onto sanding and grinding the bits that had to be done. Got the big patches ready and masked up only for the wind and rain to come in and rip it all apart. Propellers back and faired and the new cutless bearing in then the shafts and props on. Got the nuts that hold the props on machined down to same size as the hubs for flow efficiency as they had a 15 mm lip on them. Painted all the bridge window surrounds and sealed them up with plastic, thank goodness we were in a shed because we had lots of rain and wind over the time we were there. Sandblasted the chain locker and it was really tricky and hard and there was lots of stuff in the bottom from when they built her. They then applied 4 coats of epoxy primer and two epoxy top coats, we then cut two 210 litre plastic bins down and got them into the chain locker for chain bins so now have a water tight bin. We took all the ports out and cleaned up any rust and painted them and reinstalled them with there new collars to cover the cut out better. Look ok. Painting was slow as we had to pick days with no rain as the humidity was to high but got there in the end Stainless work was great and looks good, had the odd little problem with that but ok, got the arms for platform back and installed them along with new hoses and put the platform back on, it is very firm now and ready for another 25000 mile thrashing. As with all yard periods we did extra work as we found problems and try to fix them while we have access to it all which means time added and had we not gone into the shed we would have added at least three more weeks to the time there. Olive was launched at 1200 hrs,13/07 and we checked all underwater fittings for leaks, started up and left for Port Nikau up the harbour to get fuel. We took on 10250 litres and then anchored at the heads for the night and now heading back to Gulf Harbour today. Tomorrow we will be leaving Olive and then starting a new one so here’s to the good time we have had with you and hope all goes well in the future.

June 12th: Work started, props off and shafts out, cutlass bearing changed. C/V joints in engine room out and sent off to be checked, one showed more wear than should have been so should be replacing it. Changing the shaft dripless seal while it’s out as well. Platform off and arms sent in to get cracks welded, we are getting a bigger plate to bolt on the stern to beef it all up, new Hydraulic hoses as well and old kept as spares. We have taken out a few fair leads and ground out a few paint bubbles and repairing them and slowly building them up to fair in and repaint. We have decided to sandblast the chain locker so Sam has been busy down there getting all the chain locker bins out with great difficulty as it was built then put in place before the decks went in, we will replace them with a wooden floor and two plastic wheelie bins for the chain so that they will hold the water from the chain instead of going into the bilges. Starboard chain went off to be galvanised and we got a new anchor. The stainless steel guys have taken templates of the bow and are preparing them to go on. Took the bridge windows out which took two days, we broke the inside layer of the first one and the rest with no problems. They came with the templates yesterday and checked them and are now being made. Should have them in the next two weeks. All the engine room bilges have been painted and only need to shift the black water tank to finish them. All the aft area around the platform and pods cleaned and painted. We took a porthole out that had a bit of rust and found that they cut the hole way to big so not getting a seal so have had a new surround made for them all which we will change while being painted. Paul has decided to paint the lower half of the hull because of the scratching that occurred when we ran thru the pumice raft off Tonga last year so we will go into the shed here in the yard next week. Hopefully will have shafts and propellers in next week and c/v joint arrives so we can connect it all up.

May 18th: We arrived back on Olive 12/05 and started to get her ready to go north to the yard. Wednesday we took 500 litres of fuel and decided not to leave because of wind and covid 19 level change was not until midnight. Left early Thursday before sunrise and had a rolling trip north as one stabiliser wasn’t working, another job to sort... arrived at Marsden cove and anchored for the night. Friday lunchtime we went into marina and tied up at lift out dock, 30 mins later we were out and going to yard, very efficient. Sam came up with the ute and we loaded the chain onto it. It’s being re galvanised in Auckland. Wet and windy weekend and now into the work.

April 17th: Lockdown has been slow, no Covid 19 on board so that’s good. We have been laid off as Olive can’t go anywhere now which is ok. So in lockdown trying to sort out our next move amongst other things. Doing jobs where we can and with what we have on board. Painted the aft engine room bilge and then the aft bilge under the sump pumps, washed and cleaned up the area as this is where water gathers from a leak around the platform when at sea. Cleaned out all the lockers and interior storage and washed and dried everything for a winter in storage on board. Writing lists, storage and operation notes and haul out work for handover.

March 27th: Got the yard and stainless steel guys all sorted. Insurance is now happy to do the hot-works we need, quite a job getting that permission. We went out with 4 pax to Kawau for the day then back to anchor for the night at Shakespeare Bay. Next morning into marina and drop two off and pick up three, out to Rakino for the day, bit of wind but nice, back into marina to tie up as weather is getting more windy. The trips for later in that week cancelled. Then lockdown was announced which threw a spanner in the works, no yard period now so we cleaned the flat and moved back onboard where we are doing jobs with what we have.

March 14th : Finished the last trip with a really nice day. Called into Rakino and anchored in close for lunch before heading back in. Generator serviced with valves being checked and belt replaced, found out we were getting exhaust into cooling water so getting new gaskets for that. Took generator exhaust out and shifted steering pump and lifted the floors so could paint out the rest of the Stb side of engine room and under Stb engine. Out on the 01/03 with 3 people and anchored on sw side of Rakino out of the wind and sea,turned out nice. Repeated that on the 02/03 but with 5. No one for a couple of weeks so stripped the port anchor winch down and withdrew the shaft as we had bent it in Tahiti when we bent the anchor.  Found a good engineering workshop in Silverdale and got it straightened, while it was out got new bearings and seals for it. Resealed the decks and general ongoing maintenance being done.

February 24th: Had three days out around Waiheke with little wind so nice, cruised back along the bays along Takapuna coastline to Gulf Harbour and tied up in berth. Got the old anchor chain out and cleaned and painted the locker. Used two trollies to get the old chain up the quay and to the carpark. New chain arrived and had to use three trollies for it as it’s a lot longer, got it down the ramp onto the pontoon and left it there until I could get three guys to help which happened late afternoon so got it to the boat and laid it out and marked the chain, painted it and then a second coat next day before getting it into the locker. Out on the 15/02 for the day but windy so only got out to TiriTiri and anchored for lunch and back in late afternoon. Rachel painted under the top stairs and I took the steering pump out and wet exhaust for the generator so I could get the floor up and painted under the starboard engine and hull so that side is done. At the moment out with two guests anchored at Ponui island, fine but a bit windy.

February 07th: Painted half the engine room, took the exhausts out and lifted all the aft plates and got a good layer of paint in there. Rachel painted the insides of all the deck lockers, we got all the under sides of steps done except the two up to the helm station on the fly bridge. Had the main engines serviced and belts, valves and impellers changed so good for another 3000 hours or 3 years, whichever comes first. Still got the generator to do and the guys been and got the parts needed so will get him in when we get a spare day. Anchor chain is in the shop waiting for us to get it. Weekend of the 01 and 02 Feb we did two day trips, Saturday with 11 guests, went out to a bay close to Kawau and had a great day, good weather. Sunday with 6 people and went to the back of TiriTiri as there was a bit of a SW wind. Got Olive ready for Waitangi Day trip out with 6 guests for 3 days to Waiheke island and sitting in man of war bay enjoying the sunny afternoon.

January 23rd: Had a weekend out at Kauwau with guests before tying Olive up for a holiday, made up some new lines and got her all snuggled into her berth,  Got back to Olive on the 13/01 and all was good, washed down and then started the jobs, started on all the deck lockers, clean and paint on rust converter then paint, all the steps needed grinding under the bullnose then rust converter, priming, painting then the gap sealed, painting the engine room bilge so had to take the exhausts out for access, the main engines were supposed to be serviced this week but they cancelled because they had emergency generator work caused by the cyclone going thru Tonga so now will do it next week, at least that gave me more time with the exhausts out. Had the KVH guys in and now satellite tv is working. Had the glass quotes in for the bridge windows and Ss work in April while we are in the shipyard. Outboard is off being serviced, installed the replacement tank level sender. Still waiting for a price on new anchor, they say they’re on it. Mean while we are still painting.

December 11th: Left Opua Thursday 05/12 after getting the bits we needed to install the new tv. Went out and anchored in a bay at Robbies island and installed the new tv in the saloon and started to sand the upper deck teak as it had never been done. Friday was more sanding and then we moved to Urupukapuka island for the night. Saturday morning we moved round to Whangamumu, was a nice morning and we had a look at the hole then in to anchor. The bay was full of what looked like an algae bloom. Anchored and then more sanding on deck, it’s a slow job and hard on the back but we are getting there. Sunday morning finished the sanding and left for Whangarei, wind was behind and got to 16 - 18 knots, tied up at Port Nikau around 1900. Monday we got water and then scrubbed and cleaned all the sawdust that was around and acided the top deck and then on to the lower decks, had people to look at jobs. Tuesday we got on a coat of Semco and more people in. It’s windy here and was going to try and replace hoses on platform but the hydraulic guys can’t do anything until Friday, guess they all busy with xmas rush so we will look at it later. We have got all the visits in so will head down to Gulf Harbour today and get the boat ready to go out Saturday.

December 03rd: Still tied up in Opua, sorting things out with customs, meanwhile we have been catching up with maintenance, thorough wash down as there is great water pressure here and then polishing the stainless. Spot painting and sorting stuff. Had the electric medical and found one socket that had no earth connection, took quite a few hours of crawling throughout bilges to find that earth wire but got there. Scrubbing and acid on the fore deck and fly deck then sealing them, once we are tied up in Gulf Harbour we will lightly sand and do the same for the top deck which is going to be quite a few days work as it’s quite a large area and then we can do the aft deck. Serviced generator and have now connected it to our day tank as I got 10 mm brass tees here so no joins. Got the dishwasher out so painting all the wood in behind it and water proofing the area. We have permission to leave now so will go out to anchor on Thursday and turn up in Whangarei Monday morning to get quotes for the works we want to do.

November 23rd: We went into marina Tuesday and took on 2000 litres of fuel as we could not get it Wednesday, went shopping and James and Sam arrived. Thursday morning the diver came and cleaned around the anodes and hull fittings as we had done all the rest before, issued us a cert and all was good. Weather forecast was ok but with a doubt in a week. Cleared customs and immigration and left at 1145. Headed out and into the 20 knot SW trades which was just fwd of the beam so not to bad, just lots of spray, caught a nice skipjack tuna around 12 kilos. Had those conditions for 48 hrs and then it slowly eased off and by day 4 was pleasant and day 5 nice until 1500 when we go 20 knots on the nose which lasted about 15 hours and was uncomfortable and had to slow down a bit, day 6 was ok as the wind shifted round to the west as it was supposed to do and was about 12 knots as we closed in on North Cape and by the evening we had altered course to run down the coast.  We caught a fish a day which was nice and the last evening 4 albacore in about one hour all about 10 kilos so we have a freezer full of fish. Tied up in Opua at 0645 and were cleared by 1000 and shifted into our berth. Welcome to cold NZ. Well at least for us.

November 13th: Dropped Paul and guest of on the 07/11 and anchored off marina. Next day windy and wet so moved across bay and anchored in the lee of the tank farm, stayed there 4 days with lots of rain and wind but was good holding and flat. Back in marina and taken on 2000 litres of fuel, divers in to check bottom and get a certificate to show it’s been cleaned, crew arrived and customs and immigration due at 1100 on the 14/11 to clear us out of Fiji. Weather looks ok but there is a small low forming of north west NZ next Wednesday which hopefully will stay small so will check info tomorrow and make the decision then. Should take 7 days to get there .

November 06th: Picked up a guest and headed out to Muscat cove, not to windy so Paul and guest went snorkelling on the sand spit. The 30/10 was very windy so went round and anchored behind Castaway in the lee, a snorkel then ashore for a walk and a drink, stayed the night and was woken at 0500 by a sea snake slithering across me which was a bit frightening, it must have come in thru the laz door and then thru the hatch into our room, got rid of him over the side. Moved up to Licki Licki lagoon which was very sheltered from the wind and stayed overnight there. Next morning early start to Denarau so guest could leave. Anchored off until the 04/11 when next lot arrived. Wind had eased by now so again out to Musket cove and anchored off sand spit for snorkelling and then into marina for the night, nice little place and quiet, guests all ashore for a walk before dinner. Next day up to Castaway and ashore to the pool, Rachel and I scrubbed the bottom of the boat in preparation for our arrival in to NZ with a clean hull. 06/11 back to Denarau to drop of guests and then the rest tomorrow and then we will get prepared for the trip and wait for a weather window.

October 29th: We stayed in the marina evening of the 21/10 and collected up our guests, Next morning after breakfast a walk ashore and some last minute shopping before heading out. Anchored off musket cove and guests went over to sand cay for a swim. Next day we had no wind and was hot. Guests ashore for a while on sand cay then lunch and the afternoon in by a pool at the resort. 23/10 we shifted out to cloud 9 barge for a drink and then up to Castaways, anchored and all ashore for drinks and pool. Next day quite windy but we were in the lee so ok. 25/10 we left Castaway and headed back to Muscat cove as it was windy, anchored in the middle and all was good. 26/10 we left and headed back to Denarau into a 30 knot wind which was ok, one guest a bit queasy but ok. Tied up in marina at midday and guests all left at 1600 for airport, started the cleanup and washing machine. Went out for dinner then rugby then bed. Next day left with Paul on and went out to check on more islands, firstly Vomo for the night but not the easiest place to anchor with deepish water and lots of bommies around. Next day across to the northern Mamunccas which was nice but again not the easiest anchoring as there was two swell directions because the outer reef has large gaps in it there. Afternoon back into anchor of Denarau where we will pick up a guest on the 29/10.

October 21st: Stayed anchored overnight and then guests snorkelled. A sea snake was found on the stern platform in the morning. We cruised up to Mana island and made our way into the channel, anchored off the jetty and guests went snorkelling. Ashore a bit then dinner. Snorkelling again next morning before ashore and a walk around the resort. Afternoon cruise back to Castaway island where more snorkelling and paddle boarding was done. Next day out to cloud 9 barge for a drink then into Musket Cove anchorage. 12th back into Denarau to drop off guests. Stayed anchored and the next day shopping and storing up. 14th we went back out to Musket Cove and anchored for two days before coming back in to pick up a guest and then back out to Musket Cove anchorage where we sat for 3 days. Back into Denarau marina to pick up guests and drop one off.

October 09th: Paul arrived and we steamed out to Malolo island, nice flat day and anchored. Next day steamed inside the reef to the top corner of the island and anchored for lunch as the wind picked up. After lunch moved as it was quite windy now and anchored behind the next island off the Castaway resort in the calm lee. Next morning Paul went ashore and had a drink and look at the resort, there was also a nice beach and snorkelling. Returned to Denarau marina and got a berth for the night as we had two guests arriving, big shop and clean up, all out to dinner. Next day girls into the spa for a massage and a day at resorts. Headed out and went straight out to Castaways where we anchored off, swim and then the girls ashore for some r and r. Next day was calm until the afternoon then the wind picked up a bit and dropped of as was the forecast but then picked up early in the morning so shifted round to the other side. Up at 0700 to head back to Denarau in the rain and wind. Anchored and the guests went ashore as one was flying out and another in, all arrived back and we left for Musket Cove anchorage in better although overcast conditions.

September 29th: On the 03/09 we left our anchorage on Beqa and anchored off the marina so we could go in on the full tide tomorrow. During the night the wind turned 180 degrees and blew quite hard and we dragged anchor twice before we got a good hold. Come morning it had died down but was pouring with rain as we went in, turned and dropped an anchor before reversing into the berth. Got her tied up and then we gave Olive a good wash. Had quite a swell coming in and during the next 48 hours got her settled in nicely with all the lines tight. We showed the manager what he had to do to watch her and gave him a key, left on the 06/09 for the U.K, it’s a three hour drive to the airport from Pacific Harbour and it was nice to see some of the island. We got back to Olive to a dead ship, they had called on the 22nd and said they couldn’t get power to work even with the generator, so we cleaned out the stern freezer and I tried to get the chargers working but nothing. We had our first night back with no lights or power or water, lucky for us we had just done a 36 hour travel stint so just went to sleep. Had an Electrican come in and try to get it going but the unit just kept stopping so we took it out and he got it checked and it was ok, what was happening was the voltage was to low for it to excite the circuits, I had borrowed a small charger and had been charging since the morning of the 25th and the voltage had got up to 3 volts and when we reinstalled the charger it was enough to excite the system so we were good. Left the marina the morning of the 27th at 0600 for the tide. There was a small sea running but we were rolling around as it was from aft and no stabilisers, caught a big MahiMahi which is good as we had lost all the food in the freezer, anchored off Likura island for the night and then on around to Molo Molo island the next day. Today the 29/09 we will anchor of Denarau and get the boat ready for when Paul arrives on the 1st.

August 30th: Had 5 days around the island of Malolo, weather was very changeable but a good time had by our guests, in fact it’s very nice to be going slowly for a while after our hectic last few months. Back in and anchored off Denarau marina and guests ashore for dinner for their last night here. Next morning they left around noon and I went into the marina office and booked us in for two nights in October for when we pick up Lucy and baby and co. It seems to be very hard to get a berth here as it’s always busy but I got them. Wash down and clean and dry cushions as we have 5 weeks before more guests. Monday I went into the airport to see immigration to get a letter for Paul and us to allow us to fly back into Fiji on a one way ticket which took a while, had to return the next day to collect them then as the forecast was good we left and headed out to anchor by the main entrance to the reef so we could leave early in the morning. Anchored for the night and as I turned everything off, noticed an alarm message on the stabilisers so looked into it and ended up sending a message to the makers who got back to me as soon as they were at work and spent two hours going through all the settings and systems to check them and it looks like it’s the motion sensor that’s at fault, they are going to be in nz mid to late September so will bring one out and give it to Paul to bring with him when he returns. Next morning up early and tie everything down as no stabs and we were off out into the ocean as we headed round island to Pacific Harbour, got out and it was ok, about a meter chop on top of a swell but both from ahead so we steamed around and anchored late afternoon of the resort. Next morning went in and looked at it and it was ok to leave the boat there from a safety angle so confirmed the booking and told them we will be back in on the 04/09. We then went out and anchored in the lee of Beqia island as it’s blowing a bit and constant rain showers coming thru and will sit here until the 04.

August 21st: It took 4 days to get to Denarau, we stopped each afternoon at a reef and swam, on the last evening we came inside the coastal reef and anchored after having seen two whales cruising thru and giving a great tail display as they dived, the next morning we set out for Denarau, steamed past the commercial port of Lautoka and anchored in a bay just around the corner from Vuda marina, woke up to a very flat morning and went round to Denarau and anchored off, Paul went ashore and we started cleaning the boat, wash down and polish the stainless, picked Paul up after he had dinner ashore. Same again the next day and by the afternoon we were ready for our guest on Tuesday. Picked up and left to head out to Malolo island and Muscot cove for the night, quite a bit of wind but ok. Wednesday and a bit overcast and windy but nice.

August 14th: Cleared in to Tonga and then anchored in the bay. A very nice peaceful place, got onto a few jobs as it was so calm, main one was to try and square up the platform but could not shift the bolts which I thought might have loosened but obviously not them, we also have a bit of water coming in around them but couldn’t find it from outside so will try and get in to the back and see if I can find it, we will be taking it off in NZ and setting it up properly. Got duty free fuel at a very good price then cleared out and cruised out thru the islands looking for whales of which none could be seen so laced a course for Duff reef 300 miles out before turning in towards Savu Savu. At about 70 miles out from Tonga we ran into a huge area of pumice and being night we were in it before we knew what was happening, slowed down and crawled thru it for an hour or so, once out had to clean the cooling water sea strainers and then we were off. Arrived Savu Savu Monday morning and tied up to the copra shed and cleared in, looked at the paint around the water line and it’s quite badly scratched so there’s another job on the list for NZ, we have patched the worst area round the bow. At least it cleaned all the weed off. Leaving today to cruise down to Denarau to pick up a guest on the 20th for a few days.

August 06th: Had a nice overnight trip to Raiatea and anchored off the town on Sunday morning, in the afternoon I went to the gendarmerie and started the clearing out process. I had already emailed the forms 6 days before as they requested but it made no difference as it would take two days to get our exit papers. Monday morning went into the fuel place and was told they can’t give me 10000 litres in spite of being told a week earlier it was no problem so went to the shell wharf and they could but not before the clearance papers had been issued. Tuesday and the gendarmes had Olive's papers so after getting stamped out went to the shell wharf and they said now is ok and the wind had died right off so in we went. Took 5.5 hours to fill up and then we went to the bank to get our flight bond money back which took a while but we got there. Left around 15:00 and motored round the corner thru the lagoon until we found the Chanel out through the reef and headed off to Rarotonga. 3.5 days later arrived early Saturday morning off Avatiu and no reply on the radio so went in and tied up, took about 3 hours to clear in and then welcomed by maritime Cook Islands. Anchor dragged and we tied up alongside a local ship for the duration of our stay, it got quite rough in the harbour for the rest of our stay. All out for drinks and dinner on Saturday night with maritime Cook Islands and the commodore of the yacht club and a good evening was had by all. Sunday Rachel and I went off for the day with friends who were on the island for a nice island style lunch and a drive around before heading back to Olive in the early evening. We left Monday early afternoon for Tonga and it was nice being out of the harbour as it was so bouncy in there, stopped at Beveridge reef which is in the middle of nowhere for 36 hrs, very nice and unbelievably clear water. Arrived Tuesday morning in Neiaflu in northern Tonga and cleared in after crossing the date line and jumping a day.

July 20th: Arrived Saturday evening in Tahiti, chilled for a bit and all out for dinner to celebrate arriving safely and birthdays as we had four all at sea on the trip. Sunday washed boat from top to bottom and then went and watched the road show in the afternoon, lots of Harley Davidson bikes and noisy pick ups burning rubber and making lots of noise. The 3 extra crew all flew out early Monday morning and we had to wait for a yacht to leave so we could shift into the marina which happened around 11, tied up and got our bent anchor off and onto the aft deck. Went of that afternoon hunting out a place to get the dish washer looked at and found one, the guy showed me the pump he had and how it came off so back to the boat and took ours off and it was the same so got a new one and all going good now. Next morning off to find a place to straighten the anchor, found a ship yard and they weren’t sure so kept looking, they got back to me later and said no so more walking and found a guy in a shed that was welding so asked him and he said yes, so dropped it of with the dinghy as he was by the harbour and three days later picked it up, also got a joining shackle and rejoined the broken chain. We have been cleaning and cleaning, fixing things and getting Olive ready for our next trip as she needs it after 56 days at sea and 6300 miles. Saturday and Sunday took a drive round the island which was nice and a break off the boat. Paul arrived Thursday night and we left Papeete Friday morning heading for Moorea where we are anchored in the lagoon and will leave late afternoon to sail over night to Raiatea where we will clear out and take on Fuel.

July 08th: Left Nuku Hiva late afternoon and out into a not to bad sea, weather forecast was easing weather for a couple of days before swinging to the SSE. Last night before arrival we got the change but only a couple of hrs on the nose before swinging more E, arrived at Takaroa atoll at 0900 in 25 kts of wind and a lot of rain so just hung around outside for a few hrs until it eased so we could get in thru the pass.  The currant was with us and we fair flew in and anchored of the town with wind and rain and a slight lee from the waves, stayed one night and moved across lagoon to the other side where we had a great anchorage in the lee. Next morning raining and as the crew had flights booked out of Tahiti on the 08/07 we decided to leave for Rangiroa as it’s bigger and more flights to Tahiti each day in case we could not make it, as with all the outer islands the Internet is very slow and we had a lot of trouble trying to get a good weather forecast, we left Takaroa around 1100 with rain and 25 knots on our aft beam and a good swell and chop running, arrived Rangiroa the following morning and entered the lagoon with a 7 knot current running out so slowly in, the resident pod of dolphins playing around the bow and jumping in the tidal chop which was a meter so quite a great entrance. Anchored up and dug in well as wind was forecast, rain and wind slowly picked up and was blowing a steady 30 knots by dark, at 2100 we had a 40 knot squall come thru and dragged, hooked again on a coral bommy and held for a bit before letting go, picked it up and the anchor shaft had bent badly so no good to us, by now the wind was between 30 and 40 knots steady with at least a meter sea rolling thru anchorage so we spent the night steaming slowly up and down the clear area of the lagoon, dawn arrived and we anchored with our second anchor which got a good hold and so we sat there on edge. About two hrs in we had quite a jerk and snapped the anchor chain so out we went again and steamed around and got our spare anchor out and shackled it on and anchored once again, held and we sat there for two more days in rain and wind with a shitty chop on edge waiting for it to go as we had yachts not far astern, so 24 hr watch keeping routine. Decided that there was a small weather window coming for us to leave for Tahiti so dived and found the anchor and chain we lost and buoyed it, picked our anchor up and then recovered the anchor and chain and left, got round the corner of the reef and there was a 5 meter swell with a chop on top and not much wind so we kept going, just fwd of the beam so not to bad, 24 hr run and the window was good, arrived Tahiti in the sunshine and tied up to welcome quay. Going to be a busy week ahead to clean up and fix the anchor. We did 6380 miles in the last two months to get here so looking fwd to a stop.

June 26th: Arrived in Baltra, Marquesas and anchored for a few hours until we could get fuel, around two we went stern too and took on 6950 litres and then back out to anchor, had the customs onboard with a dog to check we had no wildlife on and then waited for our clearance papers which arrived around 1700, had dinner and left at 2000. First day out saw a tuna trawler on the horizon and then just on dark a 20 ft dingy with one outboard fishing with a longline about 70 miles out, next day the tuna boat again on the horizon, wind about 10 knots aft of beam. First week was pleasant with sun and not much wind but a confused sea, caught a few fish. About midway the wind started picking up as we got more into the trades and quite a good sea running, saw a yacht for a few hours about midway, passed a dead whale and caught two mahimahi near it. Had the wind and sea all the way into Nuku Hiva where we arrived late afternoon on the 24/06, so a 16 day crossing which was fast as we had a current with us most of the way. Saw a few pods of dolphins and two whales during the trip. Tried to clear in the afternoon we arrived but they only clear boats in during the morning so went back the next morning and I had to get a flight bond from the bank which took an hour and when we got back to police station they couldn’t clear us in as there had been an incident and had to go, so we have to stay another day here, going to Takaroa next then thru the Touamotos to Tahiti.

June 07th: Left Golfito, Costa Rica Wednesday afternoon and headed quests out into a not so nice head wind and sea, weather forecast was for 5 knots but 15 out side. Slogged it out there for 3 days and not so nice and the last day dawned with almost no wind and a much flatter sea for the run into the island of San Cristobal where we had to clear into the Galápagos. Caught 4 small tuna so now have a freezer full of fillets. The last night out we had a heap of birds with us so the boat was covered in bird shit so that was our job Sunday to clean. Arrived just on dark Sunday evening and anchored, next morning 10 people including agent descended on us, two divers to check the hull for growth and the rest to check everything, they have high bio security here, we have signs posted up all over the place about where what rubbish goes etc. Got cleared in and the crew all went ashore to look around. Crew went diving and saw hammerhead sharks and met a lot of the wild life. Early Thursday we shifted over to the main town on Santa Cruz Island where we got in the fresh food for the crossing, went to the Darwin institute and saw the giant tortoise. It’s Friday morning and we left at 0600 to steam 40 miles around the island to Baltra island which is where we get fuel. Taking 7000L and clearing out ... Marquesas here we come... see you in 20 days we hope. 

May 28th: Left Playita marina, Panama at 10:45 on the 24th and headed out to fuel barge 103. Anchored out in the ship anchorage area, alongside at 11:30 and took on fuel, we only took on enough to top the tanks up and we will fill the drums up in Galápagos as the fuel is 30 cents a gallon cheaper. Left the barge around 13:00 and headed out and towards Costa Rica, not much wind on the coast but definitely windy further out as we had quite a swell running. 45 hours later and a nice wahoo in the fridge we arrived in Golfito, Costa Rica, Sunday and everything closed so couldn’t leave the boat, Monday cleared immigration but harbour master and customs closed on a Monday but at least we could go ashore. Very nice here with mile after mile of jungle. We are definitely in the rainy season here now. Looking to leave here for the Galápagos Wednesday evening or Thursday as there’s a bit of a weather window to get out offshore. AIS is working fine but Marine traffic doesn’t work in Costa Rica area. We see other boats on the system and they see us. It shows boats based on satellite based AIS systems not VHF systems. It is probably because there are not enough coast radio stations.

May 20th: Left Cartagena and steamed slowly towards Colon. Caught a nice sailfish on trip which gave us 20 kg of nice steaks. Arrived Colon mid morning and tied up in shelter bay marina, cleared customs and immigration and started the waiting process for the canal. First we had to get the measurement people before anything else can be done, we were told it would be the next day but nothing. Then the following day they turned up, that done we waited for our transit date, got that and was told we would transit thru in one hop. Pilot arrived and promptly informed us it would be two days transit, so off we went and all went to plan in the locks, steamed to our stop about midway and moored up and pilot left, next morning a new pilot and off we went, all went to plan again and we entered the Pacific around 15:30 hrs. Dropped pilot off and tried to get to the marina we had booked but there was too much surge in it so left and anchored out in the bay. Will try the other marina today for a place. Weather over the next week does not look to good to head out to Galápagos as there’s a low pressure system building of the Mexican coast so will keep an eye on it and do what we can, might shift up to Golfito in Costa Rica towards the end of the week. Still very hot and humid here.

May 10th: Took on 8500 litres of fuel and left Jolly harbour at 1400 and motored down to Carlisle bay and anchored. Had a look for some crayfish but nothing, rested up, had dinner and left at around 2100 out into a 20 knot tradewind and not to bad a sea. Passed north of Montserrat and laid a course for Panama, next two days reasonable weather and settling back into the watch regime, weather picked up a bit and very hazy and fourth day a really shitty sea because of currents so we decided to stop in Cartagena as it’s on our course. Caught a nice little yellow fin tuna as we passed through a patch of sea roiling with fish. Arrived mid morning and tied up and cleared in and now just organising the canal and paper work before leaving on Sunday. Cartagena old town is great and is worth visiting.

May 01st: Hauled out Wednesday morning, all very easy, hull quite dirty. Once water blasted they put us down and we started to clean the barnacles off that the water blaster didn’t move. Extra crew for the trip to Tahiti arrived Thursday afternoon and they were straight into work. We got most of the stuff done that I wanted to do. Back into the water Monday morning and steamed back to Jolly Harbour. We gained a knot of speed and dropped the fuel consumption by 4 litres an hour at our cruising speed solely from a clean bottom. Got all the work here in Jolly Harbour done so a tidy up and then Thursday morning clear customs and immigration then go to fuel dock to fill up with duty free fuel and leave for Panama in the evening after a last stop and swim in Carlisle bay.

April 22nd: Paul and Bella arrived 24 hrs late due to fog at JFK. We left for deep bay that afternoon and anchored just by the wreck so they could snorkel on it. Quite good visibility as well which was nice for them. Next day back to Jolly Harbour and tied up to fuel dock where Bella and Paul went of looking around and we took 500 litres of fuel on. The other guests arrived and we left again and anchored off Sheer Rocks. They all went in for sundowners and to look for the green flash. Got them back to Olive around 20:00 for dinner. Next day we anchored out at Cades reef for a few hours to snorkel, quite windy and we got our anchor caught and bent it a little while getting it back, left there for Carlisle bay and stayed the night. Up to Green Island next day with a bit of sea running but not too bad, anchored and tied the stern to the bouy and was really tucked in there, snorkelling and relaxing was the name of the game while there. Following day down to Mamora Bay and anchored of the St James club where they all went ashore for drinks before returning for dinner. Next morning off to English Harbour and stern to there for the night, out for dinner. Next morning out for a walk then brunch before the taxi picked them up for the airport, Olive left as well and went round and anchored in Carlisle bay for two days and will head into Jolly harbour Tuesday morning for a bit more work, then up to North Sound on Wednesday morning to haul out.

April 09th: Dropped Paul at airport and then off to supermarket to start restocking. Monday got two contractors down for revised quotes for anchor rollers due to short time frame. While they were figuring out a price and start time we went back out to anchor. Accepted one quote and was asked to come alongside shipyard jetty on the Wednesday to start. Work progressing slowly, (island time) with no sense of urgency as the 14 th approaches which is when Paul returns. Just getting on with all the small jobs and maintenance as well as organising our canal transit and stop in the Galapagos as these need a lead in time of at least a month.

March 21st: Moved up and anchored off Rodney bay marina and all the guests ashore for shopping, hair work and eating, picked them up 1900 and back to boat for dinner. Next morning left for Marin on the SE corner of Martinique, quite a nice day with not too bad a sea and wind, arrived in Marin early afternoon and cleared in then all went ashore to look, Rachel got a bit of food. Next morning Rachel and I went in early for bread, post guest mail and to get a SIM card for data, fuel in the tender and back out to boat. We then moved along the coast and anchored behind the reef for lunch and the moved on as it was a bit rolly. Ended up anchored in the bay we had been last time with all the turtles where we stayed two nights before moving across the bay and anchoring off Fort du France, all guests ashore for shopping and lunch before picking them up and moving across the bay to anchor of Tois Ilets for the night. Next morning back to Fort du France to drop two guests ashore for taxis to the airport and we left to anchor on the north of Martinique for our crossing the next day. Left early and had 4 hours ok weather and sea across to Dominica where we again anchored in the north before crossing over to Guadeloupe and anchoring in the north, cleared in and out and left early the next morning for Antigua, just out of the bay we saw two whales and one did the classic dive with the tail high out of the water which was great to see, we arrived at English Harbour around 1400 and tied up stern too. Guests ashore and we rinsed the boat off. All out for dinner. Next day cruised along coast towards Jolly harbour and stopped in a nice bay. Today into Jolly harbour to drop a guest and then Paul tomorrow, and then onto the work list.

March 11th: Tuesday we followed the coast down to Fort des France where we anchored and Paul, Diane and Rachel went ashore to get food and a SIM card but seeing it was carnival time, day of the devil and everyone dressed in Red Devil costumes everything was closed including the customs so no checking in which in any case is already a very laissez faire thing in the first place, fill a form in on a computer in the designated shop in the area and print and get it signed and that’s it, very French. Decided to go across the bay and anchor for the night in a nice cove with swimming and snorkelling and lots of turtles, next morning across to St Lucia where we cleared in and went shopping, I washed the boat down in preparation for our guests, wine and food topped up and a hair dresser for Diane only to get the job rained on during the return trip to Olive. Next morning off along the St Lucian coast to the very southern tip where the airport is to get our guests in the late afternoon, anchored in the lee of the headland and had a very quiet night. Next morning a late breakfast and then a short trip back towards the north got us to the Pitons which are two very conical mountains about 740 meters tall and where we moored in the shadow of them, very impressive, all the guests ashore for evening drinks before returning for dinner. Left around 1100 and cruised quietly past Soufrier town and on along the coast and then anchored off a very nice beach and restaurant where all went ashore for lunch. After a swim back to the boat we shifted up to Marigot bay where we had a berth for the night, this is where the original Dr Doolittle was filmed and is really a beautiful spot, nice night was had and after we had finished there dinner and cleaned up Rachel and I went for a drink and a game of pool. Mon 11th we left Marigot bay and are now anchored off Rodney bay marina in the north with our customs clearance and will leave for Martinique in the morning.

March 04th: Went back into marina Saturday lunchtime and washed down. Sunday washed the hull and Monday hired a car to go to English Harbour to pick up the antenna switch and then to St Johns to food shop. Paul and Diane arrived Tuesday late afternoon. Wednesday they went off sightseeing while we got ready to go, pay the marina, clear customs and then shift to the fuel quay to get fuel, took on 2000 litres, Paul and Diane got back and off we went. Headed to Dickinson Bay and anchored for the night, lots of turtles and the pelicans fishing in the morning. Left for Guadeloupe around 1000 and around 15 knots of wind just forward of the beam so quite nice until a rain squall went thru and there was around 35 knots for an hour or so in the middle, anchored in Deshaeis around 1600 and settled in for a nice evening. Next morning left around 0800 and sailed along the coast of Guadeloupe to the Isle Des Saints on the southern corner of Guadeloupe and anchored and cleared in, this is where the tv series Death in Paradise was filmed and is a great spot. Paul and Diane went ashore for a wander around. Drooped them back in next morning and we shifted around behind another little island for the night. Left next morning for Dominica and again 15 to 20 on the beam so not to bad, anchored in a bay at the very north of the island and it was blowing 40 as the wind came down the hills, it is carnival time in the Caribbean at the moment so we had very loud music all night. Monday the 04 and we left the anchorage at 0800 to steam down the coast and then across to Martinique, about 50 miles and very windy coming off the mountains of Dominica, up to 45 knots in the gusts and not to bad across the channel to Martinique where we have anchored in the north for the night and then tomorrow we will go into Fort des France to clear in.

February 19th: Stayed two days in Jumby Bay, Paul went ashore for a drink and was escorted the whole time and no drink, so much security. Wind has now picked up and we head out to Bird Island where we drop anchor in 3 meters of water off the reefs, windy now so we sat there and enjoyed the view. Next morning we put the tender in and Rachel and Paul went off for a reef dive, still windy, I think the trades are back up and blowing a steady 15 knots. Next day we left the eastern side and headed round to Dickinson bay and a lot of hotels on the beach front, anchored and watched the comings and goings, had Caribbean music live over the water for dinner. Paul ashore in the morning for a wander and lunch on the beach at a beach bar. Next day round to Deep bay and anchored next to the wreck where Paul spent an hour watching all the fish around it. Lots of turtles everywhere . Next morning into five islands bay and anchored of a small white sandy beach for the snorkelling run. Sunday we left there and into the marina around lunch time. I had to go get another months cruising permit and some food shopping. Paul left around 1800 for the airport. Monday shopping for parts and ordering parts, I gave the main engines an oil and oil filter change as well as new raw water impellers. Tuesday shifted the shower sump tank under the vip so it’s now sitting over the bilge. We have now gone back out to anchor for the rest of the week.

February 09th: Paul arrived eventually after being caught up by the English cricket team and supporters at the airport causing an hour and a half delay on getting thru. Spent the next day looking around and then we left on the 31/01 and headed out into a calm sea and little wind bound for Carlisle Bay on the South Coast. Nice slow trip down in the sunshine and anchored up just off the beach. Swimming and snorkelling on the reef. Also the super yacht regatta was on and one of the marks was just out in the bay so nice to watch them rounding the mark. 02/02 left for English Harbour and arrived but to many boats and no place to anchor so we went a bit further round to Indian creek which is a great little gunk hole. Off snorkelling and both Rachel and Paul found crayfish of which we got one and it was a big one, maybe two and half kilos so into the pot and on the evening menu. Next day moved on up to Green island and got ourselves tucked right up into a corner with two anchors out and a stern bouy and sat there for two days with half a meter of water to spare, again they found crays but no success this time. Went further into Nonsuch bay and anchored in the rain. Stayed the day there then headed out and anchored on the reef for more snorkelling and then back into the bay for the night. Paul and I went in for a beer and the place was very quiet. Next day back out to the reef and snorkelling on some Bommies and we stayed overnight there. We got two crays. We have been very lucky with the wind, nothing over 10 knots when we usually have the trades around 14 to 20. Got up this morning and once the sun was high enough we left and exited the reef and headed along the north coast to Parham harbour where we anchored off and Paul and I went ashore for a grocery shop and a drink in the bar. Got a few things and went out and anchored in Jumby Bay off Long Island where all the film stars have villas. Still have very little wind but I think that’s changing tomorrow.

January 31st: Moved back into the marina on the 26th so we could get boat washed and the hull and water line cleaned up as we had owner arriving on the 29th. Water line was a hard job as it hadn’t been done for a while. Lots of cleaning and shopping and then Paul arrived in the evening. Have had quite a few showers coming thru. Last day at anchor before coming in as we picked up the tender there was a different noise in the crane so had a look and have had to re route the hydraulic lines and hold them in place better. Left the marina today on a 10 day cruise around Antigua and are presently anchored off Carlisle bay, it’s calm and quiet for now and water temperature 27C so very pleasant for swimming.

January 15th: Olive and her crew are still in Antigua, anchored off the north coast and having lots of wind and the heavy showers each day. We are staying around the Jolly harbour area and busy doing lots of jobs. Have installed new blue under lights on the fly bridge and blue and white ones over the upper deck table. All the daily stuff and weekly stuff as well. We go into the marina every now and then for a day to get stuff and get a full nights sleep.

December 31st: Christmas Day was great, had a few drinks then off to the dockyard in English Harbour for a few more and food, they have quite a big party there. Met up with Olls and Lucy and friends of theirs for the rest of the day. Keone, Rachel’s daughter arrived just before Christmas and stayed a week with us which was really nice for Rachel as it had been a year since seeing her. Left Falmouth harbour and headed up the coast to anchor off Jolly harbour on the 27th where Keone left us and now it’s just the two off us, nice to have the boat back, nice weather and wind although the forecast for the next few days looked wet and windy. 28th dawned wet and windy and we moved around to five islands bay and anchored in 3 meters of water and let out 50 meters of chain. Still here but the rain has gone and now only windy, maybe move round to next bay on the last day of the year. It’s been a very busy 8 months with Olive having logged just over 10000 miles and visiting 10 countries and some of those a couple of times. With the new year arriving very soon I guess we will be off on more adventures. So a happy new year to all from Olive and her crew.

December 25th: Had a couple of days in Martinique, snorkelling with turtles. Moved up the coast and anchored in a nice spot to swim and have dinner as we were leaving around midnight to move north. Left and it was quite rough on the beam as we crossed over the channel to Dominica and ran up the inside, daylight and we were just clearing the northern end of Dominica put the line out and got a nice barracuda, a lot calmer across the next channel before anchoring in the isle des saints and clearing in. Nice spot, stayed a couple of days as was very windy. Left and cruised up coast of Guadeloupe and stopped for night in a bay at the very NW corner for the night. Left early next morning for Antigua and had a very nice crossing over. Tied up in Jolly harbour and cleared in and took a berth for 3 days to clean up and do stuff. Olly and Lucy shifted ashore with friends of theirs on the island and will be staying with them for 10 days before heading off back to France. We have been out at anchor again for a few days and will move into a berth on the 24/12 in Falmouth harbour so we can go and have Christmas Day with our friends on the island.

December 12th: Well the visas were granted, asked for b1/b2 and got them as well as c1/d which was good. Had an extra day in Barbados courtesy of mr Bush as embassy was closed on the Wednesday out of respect. Had a small problem with port exhaust which we fixed and caught up with some jobs while here. Took 4 hours to clear out and we left around 2000 to head for St Lucia, not a strong trade wind so an easy trip across arriving mid morning and cruising up the coast past the Pitons and on to Marigot bay where we stopped for the night. Next day up the coast 10 miles to Rodney Bay and anchored off, quite windy and watched some of the yachts participating in the ARC race across the Atlantic arriving, got a few bits and pieces here as there was a very good hardware shop just behind the marina. Left 0500 on the 11/12 to head up to Martinique, 15 kts of wind and a nice trip arriving lunch time and clearing in and now of shopping for Xmas presents.

December 01st: We left Santa Cruz on Tenerife at 1300 on a sunny warm afternoon and headed south along the coast with a small swell and flat sea and settled into our watch keeping routines. Had a few pilot whales for company and dolphins as well. We passed Hiero island early the following morning and as it fell beneath the horizon we were well and truly on the way, weather forecast was for a bit of westerly in two days so we just headed on our route until we got it, then steamed south for 24 hours and gradually came back on course as the wind shifted back to the north, we had the next few days with an ocean swell of around 5 meters rolling thru, wind shifted round to the north east and stayed there. Had a trimaran come past us and the guy told us he was participating in the route de rum race which is a single handed race from France to Guadeloupe. Caught a few dorado and had fresh fish every other day, wind was light and sea relatively flat all thru the middle part and then we got a few days of trades from the east at about 15 knots with a chop on top and rolled our ways along, all the while it was getting warmer, we all had a swim at the mid way point as it was a nice day. We saw whales 3 times and had regular visits of dolphins. Around mid way we got into a few days of almost no wind and could turn the stabilisers of which helped us along. Second half has been quite a lot more wind and sea but very pleasant all from the east to south east so we have just done the great circle route. We saw a ship on day 9 and then another one on day 14 and day 15 heard people on the Vhf. Last day at sea we had a couple of yachts around and a bit of wind, saw the light glow of Barbados in the distant sky. As dawn broke we made landfall on the northern end and came round to anchor of Port St Charles and turn the engines off, very weird having a very quiet boat that was not rolling around. Had breakfast and went ashore to clear in, had to wait for an hour as there was no one there, Caribbean time!!!!!, eventually did it all then we steamed down and anchored in Carlisle Bay off Bridge Town. Crew went ashore to get SIM cards and then a few drinks on the beach while they caught up with the world. We will be here a few days as we have appointments with the US embassy for visas on Wednesday and as soon as that’s finished we will be off to St Lucia. Each day on the crossing we would get 3 or 4 flying fish onboard but on the last night we got 37 so must have gone thru a large school of them so lots of scales all round the boat to clean up.

November 13th: We left La Linnea marina at 0900 on the 06/11 and headed out into the Atlantic once again with a flat sea and very little wind. Steamed out the Spanish side of the straits past Tarifa and then turned across the traffic separation zone to head on down the African coast. Wind was about 08 knots on the nose and a very small head sea along with a head current we were only doing about 5 knots over the ground, hooked a nice little bonito late in the afternoon so a bit of sushi was on the table for dinner. 07 dawned nice but still a head wind which didn’t change until the 3rd day out when it went to the north at about 10 knots and stayed that way till we arrived, getting warmer now. Late on in the day we passed a whale going north so Lucy was happy as she had not seen one, also lots of dolphins on a regular basis thruout the trip. Last 15 hrs we slowed down as to arrive at dawn and go in to the Port on Tenerife which we did at 0730, tied up and had a nice breakfast with a flat boat and quiet. Changed engine oil and filters and greased all the steering gear, got in 40 litres of engine oil, got a few spare filters and ordered fuel. Took onboard 3770 litres 13/11 and are now ready to leave today around lunch time 14/11.

November 05th: We had three very windy days with lots of snow on the hill behind the marina so needless to say it was cold, hired a car and drove Paul to Malaga airport at 0200 on the 01/11, a two hour drive away. We had the car for the day so did a bit of shopping for the boat. Olly my son and his girlfriend who are crewing for the Atlantic turned up at about 2200. 02/11 we had a nice day and so washed the boat from top to bottom as it was covered in salt spay from the waves crashing onto the marina wall. Had another day waiting for weather and oiled the top deck. We left late in the afternoon of the 03/11 for Gibraltar with a very smooth sea. Had lots of dolphins with us overnight and lots of phosphorescence with them glowing in the dark. Arrived around 10:30 on the 04/11 and anchored off for a while before going into La Linnea marina in Spain after 1200 hours. The marina is just across the border from Gibraltar. Tied up and washed the boat clean before walking into town for a look and a beer. 05/11 woke up to wind and rain and as it cleared we walked into Gibraltar which involves walking across the airport runway which is a novelty, got a few bits and pieces, had a nice lunch and back to boat. Late afternoon steamed Olive over to Gibraltar and tied up to Fuel dock, took on 8125 litres and then back to Spain and our little marina. We are intending to leave around 0900 tomorrow the 06/11 for Tenerife in the Canary Islands as the weather looks ok, should take about 5 days.

October 28th: Woke up next morning to anchor alarm going off, moved over to the next island and went in and tied up at the marina where the customs and police were. Went and saw them and they were not interested so that was ok, Calasetta was the town we were in and was a very nice place. Stayed the night and left next afternoon, round behind the island and anchored and had a swim, left early evening for Ibiza. Pleasant trip over and anchored in a bay late in the day, had numerous land birds landing and flying around the boat for the trip, none died this time so that’s good. Next day motored round and anchored of Ibiza town where Paul (owner) went ashore for a few hours. Next day left and found a nice place to anchor stern to in a little cove on one of the islands which was a bit like a volcanic crater for a swim. Left late afternoon so we could watch the sunset in the hope of seeing a green flash but too much smog on the horizon, very pleasant early evening but the wind started to pick up along with the head sea and was not very comfortable so altered course for Javea arriving 0130 and anchoring in the lee. Next morning shifted in closer to the harbour where Paul went ashore for the day. He returned and we went ashore to have a drink with good friends who had only shifted there 4 days before. Next morning a 0430 start as we were headed for Cartagena and it was a great day, very little wind and flat sea. As we were going into the anchorage after looking at the forecast decided to keep going but this time it was wrong and we had a bit of upwind work with a nice head sea but we slowed a little and it was ok arriving in Almerimar marina mid afternoon, tied up and settled in as the wind really picked up and blew all night. Woke up to a cold morning with wind and a sprinkling of snow on the hills behind us. We have decided to stay here until Paul leaves on the 01/11 and will get all the stuff we need for the crossing here over the next few days. The wind has died down this evening but will be back tomorrow.

October 17th: Had a rushing round day, picked up stainless steel parts we had made, shopping, Rachel to see doctor. Early afternoon round to hand in cruising permit at port police to check out, bit of a problem with not checking in at harbours and getting stamps but sorted, then in a taxi to Piraeus to hand it in, close call as they close early and heavy traffic but made it. Back to marina to pay then we left about 1600, cruised down to Poros and anchored for the night. Got away in the morning and had a 12 hour steam to the bottom of the Peloponnese peninsula with quite a sea running on our Port aft quarter. Turned the corner just on dark and laid the course for Malta. Very busy shipping lanes for the first 5 hours. The run to Malta was flat calm with quite a few dolphins and turtles. Arrived in Malta in the rain and tied up, cleared customs and then tidied up. All out for dinner, the owner one way with a friend who happened to be there and us to catch up on friends we hadn’t seen for 23 years. Left Malta on Monday the 15 around 1400 and headed off (after removing a Lampuki float from the shaft and propellor we picked up just as we entered the harbour) towards the western end of Sicily where we were going to stop but lots of rain and decided to keep going to the southern corner of Sardinia while we had a good easterly chasing us. Lots of rain with thunder and lightning. We picked up a small hitchhiker in the form of a small bird who spent all afternoon going all round the boat, ate some food, unfortunately today was so wet he passed away and we buried him at sea. Arrived on the SW corner of Sardinia this evening and anchored still in the rain, let’s hope tomorrow is nicer.

October 08th: Had the night and next day anchored in Russian bay outside Poros town and then moved in stern too. Great place to be right in town, all liked it and lots of strolling along the little streets. Next day we traveled about 20 miles to Ermioni where we anchored off, after dinner went ashore for a walk, nice spot. All the guests went ashore next morning and spent a few hours walking and drinking before returning for a very late lunch and then we left for Portohelli about 15 miles away. The weather forecast was looking bad so we had to get in the shelter some where. Anchored in a bay just outside Portohelli for the night. All went swimming including baby and he enjoyed it so much he went every day after that. Wind was picking up so we moved north to a large bay and anchored, very windy by the time we got there and also very gusty, up to 40 knots, after about 4 hrs we shifted out a bit and then dragged anchor so then had to re anchor and this time got a good hold, blew very hard thru the night but held. We then cruised back to Portohelli and anchored off the town with a strong wind and a little rain, guests ashore for dinner. Next morning ashore for a long walk. Wind was supposed to drop next day but didn’t so we left and headed for Hydra, was a bit rough and no good there so we went back to Poros and tied up there, lots and lots of rain all thru the night. Next morning left early to beat the wind for Athens but still rough out there, bumpy trip but ok, arrived Athens midday and still raining. Guests ashore for lunch and we rinsed all the areas the rain missed. Next morning guests off into Athens to sight see and we were busy restocking boat, rain nearly stopped. Guests left on the 1st and I washed boat as the rain had a lot of pollution in it and left black marks every where and Rachel stocked up for owner as we were leaving next morning for a weeks break from the boat. Returned onboard at 2200 hrs on the 08/10 and all was well.

September 21st: Left paxoi and headed of towards Levkas, arrived late avo and had to wait for 10 mins before bridge opened, steamed slowly thru the canal and out the other side and anchored in a small cove for the night. Next day on across to Ithaca where we anchored in the bay for two days, quite windy but very good holding, lovely little town for walking and drinking. Early start from there into the gulf of Corinth and stopping after 70 miles at a lovely little island called Trizona, old marina and a few little tavernas. Another early start and off towards the canal we went, arrived around 1700 and was going to anchor for the night but were informed canal not open the next day until 1500 so decided to go thru now, waited 30 minutes for a ship to come thru then off we went, 4 miles long and 24 meters wide so lots of concentration on the wheel, thru and tied up to pay, this is the most expensive canal in cost per mile than any other in the world. Went and anchored off for the night. Next day along the coast to Paci, nice walk ashore and climbed up the hill to the little church and watched the sun set. Next day we cruised towards Athens thru the inner harbour and past all the wharves and shipping, quite a windy day but flat seas. Entered into Piraeus around 1300, tied up and plugged in and started washing boat down. Out for dinner the next day back on it, washing, shopping cleaning etc. Lucy and family arrived at 22:30 all ok and settled in. We left Zea marina at 1200 and are now anchored in a small cove just outside of Poros town.

September 12th: Took on 9901 litres of fuel, cleared customs and immigration and left by lunchtime. Steamed out to a flat sea but with showers of rain around, set course for the corner of Albania 130 miles away, had a small amount of rain but not enough to wash anything. Turned the corner of Albania at 0600 and headed in towards Corfu, passed thru the narrows between Corfu and Albania around lunch time and arrived at the marina and anchored off. I went in and met Harry the agent who cleared us in and then we went back out and found a nice anchorage for the next three days. Moved back in to the little marina that is with no power or water but a safe place to tie up on Saturday afternoon. Got the boat all settled down for my absence and then went for a walk into the old town which I must say is great. I left Sunday morning to fly to France for three days. Back now and left our bolt hole today at 1200 and cruised across to Paxoi where we have anchored for the night.

September 03rd: Left Hvar and steamed south quickly over the next two days so guests could visit Dubrovnik. Anchored of marina and they bussed in. They flew out and we moved out, sailed past the old city and on down to Cavtat. Had a nice meal ashore and dropped the boss of next morning while we steamed around and tied up at the customs quay. Cleared out and spent the last of the kunas we had. Arrived in Montenegro at 1600 and cleared in and then steamed up into the harbour. Anchored off the nice little village of Risan which has a very long history and some fine examples of roman mosaics and after dinner all went in for a walk and coffee. Next day moved around to Kotor where we anchored off. Spent two days there and looked around, had a good thunderstorm go thru at 0400 which gave the boat a good wash down. We have now moved down and anchored off Porto Montenegro where we will take on fuel tomorrow morning before clearing out and heading towards Corfu.

August 26th: Made our way north to Pula stopping in some nice bays. Had the afternoon in Pula and then moved over to the customs quay to clear out at 2300 hrs, cleared out and left at 0030 hrs. After getting thru all the squid fishing boats we had a flat trip across to Venice, made our way up the canal slowly thru a myriad of boats to have a look at St Marco square where Julian proposed to Bella. We steamed back down and went into the marina, tied up and got all connected. The three guests all headed into Venice and we washed down. Late afternoon went to the border police at the far end of town and checked us in, was hoping seeing we were leaving in 3 days they might of checked us out as well but no. Rachel and I took most of Sunday off and spent a few hrs cruising all the back streets of Venice then back to boat where the others had got back and were waiting for their guests to arrive. Monday morning was an early start as we had to get guests off and then take the boat up thru the canals to the commercial Port so we could service the engines and get all the systems matched and working properly. All that went well and we got back to the marina round 1900. Tuesday, went and cleared out and left at 1900 for Pula, flat, flat calm and visited by dolphins late at night for an hour, arrived Pula at 0600 and cleared customs and the left to go south, found a nice bay and stayed there over night. Moving along quite fast as we need to get south stopping for the nights. At the moment in Hvar for two nights and all good.

August 15th: While anchored off Dubrovnik we scrubbed and sealed the side and stern decks, got lots of little jobs done and provisioned for the arrival of owner and guest. Back into marina after owner arrived and washed down, went into Dubrovnik for another walk around and then dinner. Guest arrived next morning and we left, shifted up the coast a ways and stopped in a lovely bay for the night. Next day moved up to Korcula and anchored only to shift again as was told to move on, eventually anchoring in a nice bay just north and taking tender in to town. Weather is very hot and humid so not so nice. I have a small Fuel issue with air and trying to find it, starting to think it’s closer to the engine as I have redone all the fittings I did, time will tell and I will find it.  Another day and another nice anchorage as this place has 1000s of them. Eventually finished up in Split and dropped off at lunch time, wash down and polish as we have two arriving the next day, had a nice walk into town and it is an amazing place, I think in its own way it’s as good as Dubrovnik to walk around, only smaller. Guests arrived and settled in. Next day as we were leaving we had a major thunderstorm come thru which has knocked the temperature. We are currently heading north quite quickly as we need to be in Pula to clear out of Croatia to go to Venice on the evening of the 17th.

August 04th: Left Ponza and headed to Ischia with no wind and no sea, stopped at Ventotene for lunch and a swim then off to our next stop which eventually was the bay on the back of Procida for the night. Nice spot with a very old castle on the top, Paul went ashore for a while and then we did after dinner for a walk and coffee. Next morning off to Napoli to shop and get ready for guests. Hot and dusty and we got all done. Guest duly arrived and we settled in for the night. Next morning across to Stabia so all could catch a taxi into Pompeii for a walk around. I stayed on boat and caught up with a few jobs. On their return we steamed out to Sorrento and anchored off the harbour. Paul and guest were out to dinner so we went in for a look around before them. Very nice. Next day out to Capri where we again anchored off and they went ashore for lunch and a look around. After dinner that night we went in and watched the lunar eclipse then had coffee in the piazza watching all the beautiful people doing all the beautiful promenading. Headed down to Amalfie for the afternoon and evening. Following morning early start as guests had to catch a taxi to Naples airport at 0730, a couple of little problems onboard as they were leaving but fixed it all. We left about an hour later to go to, first day and evening great with the moon up and passed a very lazy mount Stromboli in the early hours of the morning, thru the straits of Messina at dawn and a left hand down turn to run along the bottom of Italy, very nice weather, by now I have got my day tank up and running which is great. Got a bit of air getting in somewhere so will work thru it all. Stopped on the instep of Italy for the night to catch up on a bit of sleep before heading over to heel of Italy where we stayed again. Arrived in Dubrovnik late afternoon and cleared into country and on up the river to marina. Tied up the first night and we headed into town to look and eat. Next morning into the job list which is very long as we get very little down time, fortunately the first two days of the trip round were flat calm so we knocked off a couple of jobs then. At present anchored off the marina in the river watching the yachts as it’s change over time for the charter fleet.

July 22nd: Arrived in Ajaccio and cleaned boat, last minute shopping and getting ready for guests. Watched the 14 of July fireworks which was very nice. Guests duly arrived and then went off to the markets with Rachel for cheeses and fruit and veg. We left around 1300 with quite a windy forecast and headed 20 miles down the coast and anchored in Compomoro bay. Swimming was on as it was hot. Next day an excursion to the shore for a walk and a coffee before a early afternoon departure, wind had dropped but there was a 3 to 4 meter swell left over which we had to have head on to get out of the bay then beam on down the coast which Olive handled well. Next night we anchored in Figari which is a really nice little inlet with little beach’s round the shore. Wednesday saw us heading into Bonifacio which is always a wonderful sight, never mind how many times you do it. Tied up and guests all off walking the streets up in the old town. Wash down and shops for us. Next day out and anchor off the very SE corner of Corsica, quite windy, shifted in very close once all the day boats had gone home. Next day cruised slowly around Levezzi islands then across to Sardinia where we anchored for the night, guests ashore for a bit. Next day cruised down thru the Madelinea group slowly so guests could see into Porto Cervo then past Cala de Volpe and a nice spot to anchor for lunch. After lunch into Olbia to drop guests of for their flight and for us to head off to Ponza which is 160 miles away. Wind had just turned to the west which was good but still quite a swell coming up from the south, ie on the nose a bit. Arrived Ponza at 1430 and went ashore for a look and grocery shopping. Will be in Naples soon to pick up more guests.

July 13th: The wind did come and we made our way into Antibes. Washed down and then started the work and shopping spree. We had lots to do and stuff to get. Our new day tank arrived Tuesday and fitted so it went off again to have all its fittings welded in place. Went out and caught up with friends which is always nice. Saturday we went out and down to Monaco and anchored off St Jean Cap Ferratt for the night and then around to Villefrance for Sunday night. Back into Antibes and long days again but it was all coming together. The engines guys couldn’t do the Thursday meet in Italy so had an extra day which was needed. We changed the Port anchor for one we found that was much bigger and heavier and then left the marina and anchored off Antibes and were going to leave late evening but the wind didn’t die down so left early this morning for Corsica, lovely trip across and saw two whales. At present anchored of a little place called Girolatta on the west coast of Corsica and going into Porto Ajacio tomorrow evening.

June 30th: Well we sat in Sóller for three days and thoroughly enjoyed it. Brought a couple of masks and fins so now set up for a bit of snorkelling. I even had a couple of swims. Left there and cruised south east along the coast and found a little bay for lunch and were going to stop the night but became a bit rolling so left and anchored right on the bottom corner of Mallorca, lovely little town, got told in the morning to move so went round the corner and anchored in sand about 20 meters from the rocks, Paul and Diane are ashore walking or drinking and enjoying the place. All back onboard and we moved around to the next bay and anchored in 20 meters under a very large cliff for the night, very calm. Next day moved round to Andratx and anchored of the harbour. Usual jolly ashore for guests looking for the next wonderful bottle of cheap red and magazines. During the day heard that there was going to be a air traffic controllers strike so after a few frantic phone calls got an earlier flight for our guest so then booked another night in Palma and headed off for the marina. Tied up and of they went for the afternoon for hair and drinks while we washed down. Great chandlery so we got bits and bobs and then got a few more jobs done. Brought a SUP and a little table for upstairs. Caught up with a few friends in Palma and had a couple of very nice meals out then left Friday midday. Weather forecast was generally good except for the first fifty miles and we had 15 knots on the Stb bow with a one meter chop so a bit lumpy and wet until about midnight then it calmed down, until the gulf of Lyon was the flattest I have ever seen it, like glass. We will anchor in the Porquerolls for the night and move on in the morning up the coast so we don’t have to far to go on Monday morning to get into Antibes.

June 21st: Three days in Barcelona getting boat cleaned and ready for her first guest, washing and polishing, food shopping and the engine diagnostic guys to check engines. No faults found on engines but read outs still had them, we were suspecting interference from other cables but eventually the Italians decided it my be an analog to digital problem so we bridged two cables in the e/r and viola, it all worked, 4 hrs to find it and 30 seconds to fix it. Another job done. Left late evening for an overnight run across to Mallorca, flat, flat, flat and arrived and anchored of the town of Sollor on the NW coast, lovely and have decided to sit for a couple of days so some polishing, getting the tender in and running it and other little jobs.

June 16th: We left Gibraltar at 10:00 and headed out round the rock along the coast towards Barcelona, wind and sea picked up slowly all day but behind us so no worries. Forgot to mention as we came past Cadiz on our way to Gibraltar we passed our exact opposite to Auckland which was nice. Engines running sweetly and all ok, did a 28 hr run and anchored in a very nice bay just outside Cartagena for the night. On the road (sea) again next morning on up the coast to another anchorage and then another 28 hr run up to Barcelona, flat sea all the way so a great trip. Tied up in Port Vell in Barcelona harbour and started cleaning Olive. Getting ready for her first guest so a little bit special.

June 12th: We had the steering guys onboard to exchange the power controller box and get the auto pilot working and it all works!!!! Got some covers made and then we were off, sailed up the river and under the red bridge at Lisbon then turned around and left for Gibraltar. Flat sea and little wind, dolphins in their hundreds and a few birds. Had engine problems again after 8 hrs and talked about stopping but decided to persevere over night towards Gib. Turned the corner at the S West corner of Portugal and was immediately in flat calm sea and no wind as the sun came up. After thinking about our problem I decided to change the primary fuel filters so stopped one engine and changed it, ran it up and then did the other, altered course for Gib and waited to see what happened... problem of stopping engines sorted, the filters had only done 200 hrs but were blocked enough for the electronics to shut the engines down so the only thing I can think of is they ran the engine up and then left them a long time and maybe a bit dry and the old fuel blocked them although they looked clean, any way no more problem. Arrived Gibraltar early Monday morning and took on 8015 litres of fuel then across to marina to clear immigration so shopping could be done. Bank holiday so some shops closed including the chandlery, had a nice snooze in the afternoon then out for dinner and an early night with silence to sleep. Tuesday morning... Just left Gibraltar, heading towards Barcelona, next stop some where on the way.

June 05th: We left Jersey around midday on the 30th, with flat seas and no wind. The power steering was turned on and amazingly started with no problem. Steamed along the Brittany coast towards the dreaded Bay of Biscay with flat conditions. After entering Biscay the wind slowly picked up and a lumpy sea developed which made it a bit rough over the next 24 hrs. Next day as it was calming down we saw whales and lots of dolphins. Made land fall off northern Spain and followed coast towards Portugal with large numbers of birds obviously thinking we were a fishing boat so needless to say we had a lot shite over our clean boat. Our last night at sea was passing by quietly until we had one engine decide to just stop, no apparent reason so started again and 8 hrs later same thing. Arrived in Cascais, Portugal early evening and anchored for the night then moved into the marina the following day where we are waiting for the builders to arrive and sort our little problems out. Great chance to have a few days to try and get a few jobs ticked of the list and being here a few days means we can get our covers made for all the cushions.

May 28th: Well we finally left Holland. The steering guys arrived late afternoon on the 25th and spent 5 hrs trying to find the problem, they couldn’t so they left us with half a system and an auto pilot.  All that day we had fog with vis down to 30 meters at times. We decided to make the leaving call at 0500 the next morning.  Dawn broke with no fog so we went thru the last lock and left, we had made it to the sea, no wind and flat sea.  Off we went and guess what,  the auto pilot worked but the yaw was to large and slowly went of course until the alarms went of. So hand steering was the call of the day, also after a few hours the main unit decided to alarm, so off it went and hand steering with no power steering was the only option. Had to turn the wheel a lot. Luckily the weather was great so all good. Followed the coast down and got thru the straights of Dover before dark so that was good, we made great time and caught all the tide currents at the right times.  As we came thru the Alderney channel we hit 14 knots so that was a 7 knot current pushing us.  Arrived in Jersey and anchored of for the night before entering the harbour and clearing in to Jersey.  Bank holiday so no Garmin man to fix things so now waiting for Tuesday.

May 25th: We finally left our little Port after a last minute dash for a cover that had not arrived but was found and installed onboard. We had the typical teething problems and tried sorting them with phone calls etc and arrived in Stellendam  late in the afternoon. The North Sea is two hundred meters away thru lock gates so we are nearly in saltwater. We are now getting a person from the yard to fix a steering problem tomorrow so will have to wait one more day. We hope to go thru the locks into the sea very early Saturday morning.

May 24th: Well we are nearly there, had the yard workers onboard fixing all the little things that need doing yesterday. Paperwork nearly completed, 8000 litres of fuel onboard and god willing we will be out of here mid day today. Drove Olive for the first time yesterday and it’s a big change from my last drive where I had 3000 hp instead of 600 but she handled ok.

May 21st: Somewhere east of Rotterdam. Well after two very hectic weeks we are nearing take over date and leaving, it has been very busy, let’s go back. We had our tickets booked to fly in and stay one night in Waalwijk and leave our bags at the hotel and go to Amsterdam for two nights when we got the message from James that Olive was being launched early. Needless to say we weren’t going to Amsterdam. Flew in, checked in then met James. Off to the fine vessel Olive we went. She was alongside a quay next to a garbage recycling site. Looked around and then off for dinner. Olive was shifted a couple of days later to a lovely little marina a couple of miles up the canal at a place called Heusden, very quiet, historic and rural, surrounded by farmland, windmills , dykes and tulips... quintessentially Dutch. Bella launched the boat with a splash of Paul Henry Pinot Noir and a fine speech. Our days have been spent buying, buying and yet more buying to try and create a new home onboard, and watching what the yard workers were up to. Well we are nearly there, we will go up the canal on Wednesday and fill up with fuel and as soon after that as the weather allows, we will be leaving this small town bound for the med.

"Now and then it's good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy."
~ Guillaume Apollinaire (1880-1918), French writer

Olive sat domes
Olive in marina
Olive sign